Organizing Committee European Economic Summit
Paul Cuny is President of MarketPlace Leadership International, an organization dedicated to bringing the Biblical realities of the Kingdom to the marketplace around the world. Paul’s background as a successful entrepreneur, investor, and business owner has given him a unique platform from which to speak to leaders and professionals. He is an ordained minister with a life assignment to “… change the economies of nations.”
Paul has taught Kingdom principles of business and leadership from a practical perspective throughout Africa, South America, Central America and the US. He is a speaker at conferences and churches around the US and the world focusing on the practical nature of the Kingdom Economy and Kingdom Leadership. Paul has been interviewed on international TV and radio on the restoration of the economy of the Kingdom that is taking place. He is the author of many articles in prominent publications and he is the author of two books, Nehemiah People, and Secrets of the Kingdom Economy, which is published in five languages. Paul has served as a friend, counselor and prayer partner to sitting presidents, ambassadors, business and government leaders around the world.