Speaker: Extra session: The impact of desertification and migration on local, national and regional economic policy
Luc Gnacadja is the Special Representative of the LoCAL (Local Climate Adapted Living) Programme Board and a former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2007-2014). During his time in the UN he dedicated himself to mobilizing political will for the fight against desertification, land degradation and the mitigation of the effects of drought. As a passionate advocate of global sustainability through caring for land and soil as natural capital and global common, he promoted the vision of a land-degradation neutral world, calling for a goal of sustainable land use for all and by all along with a target of Zero Net Land Degradation by 2030, to secure the continuing availability of healthy and productive land for present and future generations.
Luc is also a former Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Development of Benin (1999-2005) and a recipiënt of the ‘2002 Green Award’ from the World Bank.
Born in Benin, Luc is an architect by profession.